Tracking Your Acid Reflux Diet With A Diary

We all have our habits surrounding what we like to eat, but if you are dealing with acid reflux symptoms, you need to make changes and incorporate an acid reflux diet. You are probably not going to be able to make all of the changes at once, but the more of them you make, the better you will feel.

The first thing to keep in mind about moving towards an acid reflux diet is that you should begin with a food diary. This is a tool to assist you in identifying which foods cause you the most discomfort after you eat them. You don't have to go into great detail or technicality, just grab yourself a small notebook and start writing down what you eat. Beverages are equally important, so write down what you drink as well.

Adding entries to the food diary is simple, you write down everything that passes over your lips and how it makes you feel. Eventually, you will see a pattern emerging surrounding various foods that you eat. You may also notice patterns around times of day that you eat as well as amounts of food. While you do not have to get into specific detail, you should keep notes about the amounts you eat, for example, if you feel that you overate at some point.

When you make changes to your diet for acid reflux, it is not as much a specific eating plan as it is a guide around what foods to avoid, and when you need to stop eating. While it may be obvious to you, high fat or greasy foods are one of the main triggers for acid reflux. Your acid reflux diet will eliminate anything that is deep fried or prepared by cooking the food in oil, grease or butter.

You may miss eating certain foods when you remove them from your diet, and the best way to deal with this is to eat less of those foods, and eat them less often. Eventually you will be able to do without greasy foods on your acid reflux diet, and at some point after that you will realize that you do not even miss those foods.

At some point, you may not need to keep a diary any longer, but the main purpose of it is to make you aware of what you are eating. Most of us eat in a hurry, on the go, or while doing another activity, and we are completely unaware of what we are eating most of the time.
