Cialis Effectively Treats ED

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common complaint in men, particularly as they age. Millions of men of all ages suffer from the condition on a regular basis. Specific medical conditions and stress can cause ED. Fortunately, there are treatments that help men confidently engage in sexual activity again. One of the most effective is Cialis. There are specific steps you can take to improve the drug's usefulness.

Seek Professional Help

It is a good idea to get a doctor to review your medical record before deciding to take any ED drug. Men who have heart problems or take nitrates are typically warned to avoid this medication. Consult your doctor as soon as you begin experiencing ED symptoms. The sooner you can begin treating ED, the better chance you have of fully recovering from the condition.

Other ED Medications

You may have also considered taking Levitra or Viagra. These are the other two leading drugs marketed for ED treatment. Generally speaking, all ED drugs work the same way. They allow blood flow to enter the penis so that men can achieve and maintain an erection after being sexually stimulated. A hard erection is the only way to obtain successful sexual intercourse.

Why Cialis is More Effective

This particular ED treatment stands out because it has a 36-hour effective period. For this reason, you do not need to take the medication daily. And you can still achieve satisfying erections during that time period. Because of its extended use period, men can be more spontaneous rather than having to plan their intimate encounters.

ED Treatment and Prevention

If you experience ED symptoms, it is important that you learn what is causing your ED. Your doctor can help identify medical problems like high or low blood pressure, heart conditions, or diabetes. But your lifestyle may also be contributing to your ED. Consuming too much alcohol or using illicit drugs can lead to your impotence. So can stress and depression. While ED drugs can help on a short-term basis, you really need to figure out what is causing your condition and address those issues as well.
Cialis can help with your ED while you work to regain a healthy lifestyle. Watch your weight, eat right, and exercise regularly to reduce stress and improve your overall health. Taking these steps will improve the effectiveness of Cialis to treat erectile dysfunction so you can have satisfying sexual encounters.

Levitra and the Emotional Effects of Erectile Dysfunction

Many people think about the effect of erectile dysfunction on a relationship or marriage and don't stop to consider the emotional effects to the man suffering from this condition. While the treatment for erectile dysfunction might be easy, this doesn't erase the psychological distress caused by erectile dysfunction. Even though most men will experience erectile dysfunction at some point in life, it is still an embarrassing and sensitive topic. If it doesn't go away after one occurrence, anxiety, guilt, depression, frustration, and embarrassment can all be felt.

Although an erection is a physical process, there are many emotional factors that lead to its occurrence. If you do not address these factors, the problem may continue to return. Your best bet is to treat the entire problem. Levitra does a great job of addressing the physical problem of erectile dysfunction, so that you can focus on the emotional.

Many times erectile dysfunction goes untreated because the man is too embarrassed to go to the doctor. However, treatment is important because erectile dysfunction may be a symptom of a bigger problem. Although it is natural to feel embarrassed, ten percent of men older than 40, and forty percent of men older than 50 have experienced erectile dysfunction - so you are certainly not alone. The older one becomes, the more likely you are to experience erectile dysfunction, so even if you think you are "safe" odds are it will happen to you as well. Levitra is taken in pill form, so you could potentially take it any time anywhere, without other people knowing.

Another common emotion felt with erectile dysfunction is depression. This can be a complicated relationship - erectile dysfunction causes depression in some cases, and in others, erectile dysfunction is caused by the depression. Nonetheless, a real connection exists, and this has been backed by research on hormones. Many men do not understand how easy erectile dysfunction is treated and, mixed with the failure to seek treatment, are faced with more emotional turmoil than is necessary. Levitra is highly effective at treating erectile dysfunction, and if you are depressed because of your condition, this treatment can be a tool to overcome the depression.

Emotional discomfort can be immobilizing. However, with the medical advances available today, including Levitra, you do not need to suffer. While everyone can admit that erectile dysfunction is upsetting, it is easily treated and doesn't have to be a big deal. Seek treatment today and improve the quality of your life!

How to Avoid Excessive Weight Gain When Attempting to Stop Smoking

Whether you stop smoking cold turkey or through nicotine replacement or using any other method, you're going to gain weight. No one wants to hear that, but you need to be aware of it and accept it. Just about everyone who quits will gain a few pounds.

These pounds come from increased water retention mainly due to physiological changes. The good news is that your water retention should return normal within two weeks.

Unfortunately, many people gain more than a few pounds when they quit smoking. This is due to two main reasons:

Food as a nicotine substitute

Nicotine induces a flood of dopamine to the brain which creates a pleasurable feeling. A mouthful of food will also release dopamine, albeit a smaller amount. For this reason, many people will use food as a substitute for nicotine. You want to avoid this at all costs.

You may have heard the advice to eat something healthy when a craving hits. First of all, reaching for a piece of celery when you really want a large piece of chocolate is perhaps even harder than not smoking, especially when you are in the midst of nicotine withdrawal.

Second, the last thing you want to do is to train your subconscious to respond to your triggers with a food craving. You don't want to crave anything; you want to remove the triggers altogether. You do not want to replace one craving with the other.

The after-dinner cigarette

The second reason many people gain additional weight is the smoke most of us used to enjoy at the end of a meal. It signaled the end of the meal, told us to stop eating and to feel full. Without this cue, we may continue to eat even after our meal would usually be over.

I suggest paying attention to the amount of food you eat during each meal for the first week or so after quitting. If you find that you are eating more, stop immediately! Gaining a lot of weight will give you an excuse to resume smoking. Obviously, that is unacceptable.

You might try to find a new cue to signal the end of a meal--just make sure it's a harmless one. You could start using a toothpick after each meal or brush your teeth or go for a walk or even just take a deep breath. Even before quitting, I always got up and immediately washed my dishes after a meal, so I never had a problem with this. You could do that as well.

While gaining a few pounds is unavoidable when attempting to stop smoking, take heart in knowing that those few pounds are temporary. Any additional weight gain can be avoided, meaning that you cannot use fears about your weight as a reason to continue smoking. So finish that last pack and stop smoking today!

How to Live a Healthy Life Without a Functioning Gallbladder

It is difficult for someone who has lost their gallbladder to live the same way and eat the same foods as they did before. I know this from experience because my mother got hers removed in 2002 and still has problems digesting certain foods even now. People take for granted having a functioning gallbladder in their body. Not many know what the gallbladder actually does for them on a regular day-to-day basis. The gallbladder is a green pear-shaped sack that sits on the underside of the liver. You could say that the gallbladder and the liver work hand in hand. It is the liver's job to create and produce bile. Whenever it produces too much bile, the excess amount is sent to the gallbladder who hangs on to it for several reasons.

The first reason is that if the excess bile is not stored and leaks, it can actually harm many parts of your intestine. Secondly, the excess bile can later be used for other processes in the body like the digestion of greasy foods and other fats. That is why it must be stored and not wasted. In other words, the gallbladder serves as storage space, much like a hard-drive, for the excess bile that the liver produces daily. Unfortunately, the gallbladder is prone to many complications such as gall stones and infections. If the gallbladder is not taken care of correctly, you can end up losing it as my mother did. Fortunately, you can still live a normal and healthy life even without a gallbladder.

Here's how:

  • Exercise. It is very important to have a walk or jog even 30 minutes a day.

  • Go on a diet. A healthy diet is essential in maintaining your body clean and free from toxins that certain foods (fast food, greasy food, etc) may contain. By going on a diet, you are essentially adding years to your life.

  • Eat healthy. Fruits, vegetables, and nutrient-rich foods are very important in keeping our bodies working 24/7.

  • Take natural remedies. There are many vitamins and natural supplements out there that can help people suffering from complications after a gallbladder surgery. Bile salts, for example, help regulate the body's bile build-up. They are especially beneficial to people without a gallbladder.

  • Live a calm and stress-free life. It has been proven that most illnesses are often related to stress. If you're in a stressful environment, you need to get away from there. The best way to change your lifestyle is to avoid situations where you feel forced or pressured into by someone or something. This can be your job, school or even your family. In order for any medicine to work, you must be relaxed and away from any stressful thoughts. Believe it or not, the mind can help tremendously in the healing process.

The Relationship Between Heartburn and Coffee

More than 56 percent of Americans start their day with a cup of coffee and 68 percent enjoy it at least once a week. And as many as 20 percent of men and women in the US are unable to have it because it causes them heartburn. Coffee is recognized as one of the biggest triggers of heartburn. Heartburn and coffee problems are never more obvious than while working at a job, but there are solutions that can be implemented that allows people to drink their coffee while getting through their workday.

Heartburn is that burning pain in the throat and esophagus that happens because of acid reflux. Acid from the stomach and food float into the esophagus when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is found between the esophagus and stomach, doesn't function correctly. This is usually due to stomach acid constantly touching it or it becomes irritated by some of the food we eat. Some foods have also been known to increase stomach acid production which doesn't help the problem. There are many types of foods that will irritate the valve and allow stomach acid to enter the esophagus. Coffee is one of them.

It was generally thought that the cause of heartburn was the caffeine in the coffee. But, the latest research found that there are three components involved in the scenario of heartburn and coffee - caffeine, catechols, and N-alkanoly-5-hydroxytryptamides - that work together to cause heartburn by increasing the production of acid in the stomach. It's interesting to note that coffee has another component - N-methylpyridium (NMP) - that halts stomach acid production by counteracting the other three elements found in coffee.

This beneficial ingredient isn't present in raw beans. The beans need to be roasted in order for NMP to be triggered. Coffee that has more NMP will produce a stronger blend of coffee.. This signifies that darker brew like French roast are stronger and more aromatic and contain more NMP than what is found in weaker blends of coffee.

Coffee has a wide range of helpful ingredients that has been known to reduce the risk of developing stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and heart disease in addition to being a very popular drink.

Dr's. Thomas Hoffmann and Veronika Somoza were the researchers involved in identifying the effects coffee's components had on the stomach. These conclusions will hopefully create new techniques in the roasting of coffee that will cut back on the ingredients that induce acid production. It would mean that coffee can be eliminated from the 'bad list' of foods heartburn sufferers cannot consume.

It might seem like a trivial victory, but bear in mind that there are 60 million individuals living in the US who are dealing with heartburn. Many of them would be very happy to hear that their favorite brew is available to them again. The results of the research is also beneficial to coffee retailer and manufacturers who could be potentially getting sixty million more coffee drinkers.

Coffee is very powerful in our society. It's not only a beverage that people enjoy. It is also a powerful stimulant whose ingredients can be found in energy drinks, diet supplements, and numerous soft drinks. For a many people, the plight of heartburn and coffee is definitely lessened when the irritants found in coffee are minimized.

The True Causes Of Heartburn - They're Probably Not What You Think

Ugh. That chilidog for lunch was a bad idea, huh? Unfortunately, heartburn causes are a little more complex than that. While the food we eat certainly plays an important role in heartburn, it's actually the organisms inside your stomach that feed off that food that really contribute to heartburn causes.

Organisms, you say? You're saying I've got little things growing inside of me? Of course you do! We all have multiple strains of bacteria living within us, and many are actually beneficial to our bodies and needed for a proper-functioning digestive system.

That being said, there are two organisms in particular that are leading contributors to heartburn: H. Pylori, and Candida. H. Pylori are bacteria that approximately half of the world's population is infected with. It's damaging to our digestive systems because it suppresses stomach acid due to the fact that it thrives in a less acidic environment.

Although it sounds counterintuitive, less stomach acid is actually a bad thing for heartburn sufferers, as proper levels of stomach acid are required in order to properly digest your food.

Then you have Candida. This is a fungal overgrowth that can suppress the growth of those beneficial bacteria - the ones that actually help us digest our food properly. This leads to a situation where our bodies are not able to extract all of the nutrients from the foods we eat, the ones that are necessary for our health, which leads to a situation where we're unable to cure ourselves of that heartburn.

What's worse is that all of the most common heartburn medications such as those little purple pills do absolutely nothing to eradicate these heartburn-causing infections and bacterial overgrowths.

However, getting rid of H. Pylori and Candida is a relatively simple process that includes digestive system cleanses, and some natural supplements that will help your body fight them back to normal levels, possibly even completely eradicating them.

Additionally, there are also several contributing heartburn causes that many people aren't aware of:

· A lack of sleep inhibits your body's natural ability to heal itself

· Increased levels of stress can tax your digestive system unnecessarily

· Pressure on the stomach from bending over, constrictive clothing, and obesity

· Smoking

· Several medications such as beta blockers, bronchodilators for asthma, and tricyclic antidepressants

· Pregnancy

Luckily, taking care of many of these causes is a pretty easy task. As mentioned before, a few basic cleanses will help take care of H. Pylori and Candida, and the bulleted list above is pretty self-explanatory. Finally, changes to your diet and exercise routine can have the largest impact on completely getting rid of those heartburn causes.

Acid Reflux - How to Get Some Relief and Fast

Acid reflux is a huge problem in today's society. People who suffer from Acid Reflux find it can be very painful, unpleasant and can even upset their sleeping cycle. Most sufferers resort to using over-the-counter medication or even prescription medicine as a way to resolve this, which can have various results.

Problems arise because the drugs interfere with the natural digestive process in our body by stopping the stomach's natural acid secretions. These acidic digestive enzymes are natural and, like most things in our body, they serve a good purpose. In this case it's to digest proteins.

Without these acidic digestive enzymes, our digestion is greatly slowed or even stopped. Our body senses this and in turn it tries to secrete more acid, which is again stopped by the drugs. A vicious cycle begins, between the drugs and our body trying to work the way it was designed.

Acid Reflux can sometimes lead to Barrett's esophagus. People with Barrett's esophagus are at a greater risk of developing esophageal adenocarcinoma. This is a form of cancer, which, depending on its stage of development, may result in your doctor suggesting surgery to cut out your esophagus. Without going into too much detail, the side effects from this surgery can be horrendous. So there are some good reasons to seek alternative treatment.

The good news is that there is a much safer way to deal with this without side effects, which allows your body to work the way it was designed to by nature. The key to this is to make your digestion efficient. If your digestion is allowed to work completely and thoroughly, there will be no putrifying mass of food or acid rising into your throat.

The first thing you must address is what you are eating. The answer is to stop eating acid-forming foods and meals and replace them with some alkalizing foods and beverages. It comes down to what foods you combine and whether they create an alkaline or an acidic environment. If you get the correct combination of alkaline foods, then your food will be digested quickly and with ease. Get a pH chart of alkaline-forming foods and foods that are acid-forming and familiarise yourself with this. You can "Google" this.

I would also suggest drinking water that has been filtered and alkalinized. Reduce your consumption of coffee, black tea, and soda. Coffee and soda are extremely acidic. Try green tea instead, which is alkaline and full of antioxidants. Something as simple as the water we drink can also play an important part. For a great water filter that will alkalinize your water and can be shipped to most places in the world click here:

The next thing to look at is supplementing your body with digestive enzymes. Most people seeking relief from Acid Reflux have been eating acid-forming meals that are hard to digest for a long time. After years of this diet, the body's ability to create these natural enzymes can be reduced or in some cases non-existent. This becomes even worse if you have been taking acid-reducing medications. It is important to get a high quality product, as there are many inferior ones on the market that will not do the same job.

Heartburn Symptoms, And Why Medications Aren't The Answer

You never know when heartburn symptoms will strike. You might be at home after dinner, you may be in the middle of an important meeting at work, or you may be on a date. Unfortunately, heartburn doesn't work around your schedule, which is one of the reasons why it's so important to eradicate heartburn once and for all. But what are those heartburn symptoms?

The most common symptom of heartburn is the painful burning sensation in your chest as stomach acid and bile are forced back up (reflux) into your esophagus. This often leads to an uncomfortable situation when you're out to eat with friends and family, and even worse, a frustrating lack of sleep at night as heartburn symptoms often worsen at that time. What's worse, is that when you're kept awake at night, your body doesn't have the chance to heal itself, only making the situation worse. Other symptoms of heartburn include:

· The sensation of food reentering your mouth

· A sour taste in your mouth

· Sore throat

· Nausea after eating

· Hoarseness or a change in your voice

· Difficulty swallowing

· Hiccups

Putting up with these symptoms of heartburn on a regular basis can drive almost anyone nuts! It also leads to increased levels of stress, which also has a negative effect on heartburn, and your overall health in general. It can be quite the vicious cycle with heartburn leading to a lack of sleep and stress, which in turn increase the likelihood that you'll suffer from heartburn. It's not exactly fair, is it?

Dealing with these symptoms of heartburn might help the pain go away, but taking care of the symptoms does not cure your heartburn - it only masks the effects! What's worse is that all of the most common heartburn medications will actually make your heartburn worse over time! It sounds crazy, but bear with me for a moment. As it turns out, acid-suppressing medications actually promote bacterial overgrowth (a very common cause of heartburn), they weaken our resistance to infections, they increase the likelihood of developing irritable bowel syndrome, they lead to a reduction of essential nutrients from our food, and they even lead to other digestive problems. You know what they say - "the money is in the treatment, not the cure!" This is especially true of heartburn medications, as the pharmaceutical companies actually make more than $7 BILLION per year selling false hope in the form of a little purple pill. It's pretty sickening, really.

In order to never experience heartburn symptoms ever again, you'll need to make a few simple lifestyle changes including changing your diet and exercising. This is the only way to truly rid yourself of that nasty heartburn once and for all. Unfortunately, it's not quite as simple as staying away from those spicy foods as many people think, but that doesn't mean it's difficult to do.

Change of Lifestyle for a Natural Cure Of Heartburn

Millions of sufferers need a more effective cure when it comes to the cure of heartburn than the antacids and other drugs usually recommended by their doctors to treat the symptoms of their complaint. This complaint deprives you from proper sleep and rest and makes you wakeup once or several times at night with a burning sensation and pain in the chest caused by acidic gastric juices moving up in the esophagus.

While Protein Pump Inhibitors (PPI) prescribed by a doctor or bought over the counter may keep heartburn manageable, the best way to reach a cure of heartburn is to adopt a different lifestyle and dietary changes that will eliminate it completely.

Heartburn is really a misnomer and not related to the heart. Because the symptoms do have a lot in common with heart attack symptoms, however, it is possible to misdiagnose yourself. Be sure to get a medical examination to rule out more serious problems before looking for the answer to the cure of heartburn and the elimination of heartburn that is caused by gastric juices.

Eliminating culprit foods that can cause gastric upsets would be a good place to start from. Here is a list of those foods and beverages you would be better off staying away from:

  • Spicy and Fatty foods, ground beef, French fries, chicken nuggets, buffalo wings, sour cream, onions, chips, donuts, ice cream, chocolate and sugar.
  • Beverages including coffee, tea, acidic fruit juices, wine and alcohol.

Wow, that is some list of favorites to deprive yourself from when we all like to indulge and enjoy life at celebrations sometimes. So just what is safe as a natural cure of heartburn?

The following list of safe alternatives is also impressive making it absolutely unnecessary to starve:

  • Baked potatoes, carrots, green beans, peas, skinless chicken breast, London broil steak, very lean ground beef, egg whites, fish, goat and all fat-free cheeses, oatmeal, corn bread, graham crackers, and rice are all foods that cause little to no heartburn.
  • Apples and bananas are on the top of fruits list. Raw or blanched almonds, jelly beans and red licorice are great for keeping heartburn in check and providing a safe path towards the cure of heartburn.

That's better! There are enough available foods here on this list to make tasty meals. In addition to eating several small meals instead of large ones and never eat within three hours of bedtime, you do not have to keep wondering what to do to get to an effective cure of heartburn. Also, some people recommend not drinking liquids 30 minutes before and after meals which is helpful as it speeds digestion.

When you sleep, keep your head and shoulders elevated by propping yourself up with firm pillows. Try to avoid stress in your daily life, get more rest, give up smoking, and keep your weight under control, look and feel better by avoiding sugar and fat. By following these simple lifestyle changes, you can assure yourself of reaching a natural cure of heartburn and with time and will power, you will effectively eliminate the discomfort and pain it causes.

Fixing Issues Associated With Heartburn

Wrong? I'm wrong?

So why are you still choosing to have GERD control your life? It's a choice you know. You don't have to live with it. This is after all, the year 2012 - we've come a long way baby!

Things aren't what they used to be anymore:

No more heartburn

No more sitting by the bed at 2 a.m. in the morning waiting for that acid to rise

No more burning chest

No more bloating

No more belching and burping

No more choking or dry cough

No more (ahem) gas

No more sore throats or sensitive teeth (that's if you still have teeth)

No more anxiety attacks or other nauseous and yucky feelings

Let's begin by focusing on getting our minds (and mouths) out of the toilet and putting them where they need to be - in a good place. So where is that place for you? If you could wave a realistic magic wand and actually be living life without Acid Reflux or GERD - what would that look like for you? How would you feel? What would that do for you?

You can get there. Anyone can be there. It's all about choice. Choosing to take control of your life and your health and your money. You can either give it all away and let others control it, or you can take control of it yourself - now - today!

My personal take on all this is - only idiots choose to live with GERD. But having said that, you need to know that getting rid of GERD ain't easy either. By that I mean, if you want to become GERD-free you need to hold yourself accountable and take charge of your body - especially the part called your mouth - la boca, bouche, mond, mund, pot - whatever you call it - watch what you put into it! No mucking around. You either choose to be GERD-free or you don't - okay. Are we seeing eye-to-eye here?

Here's a step in the right direction. You know that pain you feel in your chest - feeling like your throat is going to explode? Here's a way to INSTANTLY get rid of it.


So what were you expecting? Some magic potion?

Nah - just a teaspoon of mustard mate - the kind you put on your hot dogs. Yeah. That's it! Just plop it on the spoon and swallow it - fast. Unless you really like mustard - then just take your time and savor it. Really simple. Nothing to it.

That's it!


You can fork out some more money and go buy those pills you've always taken. No worries.

Every Day I Thank God For My GERD

According to Wikipedia, GERD stands for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, a painful and very dangerous condition caused by malfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter which separates the esophagus from the stomach.

It is estimated that approximately 25 million adults suffer each day from severe acid reflux in the United States alone.

Even to this day, there are no known cures for this illness, only quick-fix remedies and medications with severe long-term consequences.

This is a story about how I fell in love with my disease...

I am a 21 year old college student from Europe and I've been suffering from GERD for 4 years now. Every day I have to be extremely careful about what I eat and when I eat in order to avoid hours of painful agony. Sometimes, even that doesn't help and I just have to deal with the acid however I can.

When I first found out about my condition at the age of 18, I wasn't ready to deal with the harsh fact that pizzas, french fries and pancakes were a thing of the past for me. My doctor told me there was still a way I could be pain free, but it would involve taking PPI drugs basically for the rest of my life.

I didn't even care about the possible side effects of long term use and went ahead with it, without giving it a second thought!

The PPIs (Proton Pump Inhibitors) worked wonders for me.

I could eat and drink whatever I want, whenever I want and as much as I want. I was "normal" again. Finally, I could have a cold beer with my friends!

If there was a time that I forgot to take my daily dose of medication, the pain got right back to me and the consequences were unbearable. It felt like I swallowed a ton of hot coals that were ripping my intestines apart.

It was fairly obvious to me at that time that I was never again going to be medication-free for as long as I live.

Little did I know that just 2 years later, I would come across an article on the internet describing the fatal consequences of long-term PPI use.

After reading it through, I was forced to face a serious dilemma.

For days and weeks, I kept foolishly comparing the beers, pancakes and pizzas to the risks of nutrient malabsorption induced diseases...

It finally became clear to me that PPIs were doing me more harm than good. I learned that acid was in my stomach for a reason, a very good reason - to digest food. And I was willingly shutting down my body acid production.

The acid was never an enemy, the loose sphincter was, and the PPIs were treating the wrong thing. I decided to get off them cold turkey.

I was not willing to put my health in danger any more.

Two days went buy and I was already bent over in pain cursing my life and my stupid decision to "save my health". As much as I tried, I couldn't see how I was "saving my health" by allowing acid to squirt from my stomach, through my esophageal tube and into my mouth over and over again.

I had tried changing my diet completely. It didn't work. I couldn't even drink water without inducing reflux. I had a very hard time falling asleep if I wasn't lying on my back. And I was really used to lying on my side...

I thought I was going to die.

"The things you take for granted when you're GERD free...", I often repeated to myself...

But why was my condition so much worse now than it was before I started taking PPI drugs?!

It turns out that there is a widespread phenomenon that occurs when one stops taking PPI drugs after a long time of use. I learned that there is a hormone called gastrin in our bodies, which regulates the acid production.

When your body shuts off acid production for a prolonged period of time, the gastrin levels build up (to a point of increased cancer risk) and when you finally get off PPIs, your stomach produces way more acid than it normally does.

I became very interested in this subject and wanted to know if other people have had similar experiences. It turns out that the so-called acid rebound effect is very real and can last up to few weeks or even months after stopping the PPI treatment.

Now that I finally realized what was happening to me, I felt relieved to know that my horrible condition was only temporary.

Indeed, as each day went buy, I kept feeling better and better. There were still a lot of times that literally brought me to my knees, but I kept hanging on.

I started spending more and more time behind my computer, reading about GERD and people's experiences with it. This is what kept me motivated through the tough times.

Since I already learned by then that GERD was not really a matter of acid, but a matter of loose LES, I was now focusing my attention differently.

I began to realize that GERD symptoms are largely due to digestion issues.

One article even suggested that the solution is to add more acid along with digestive enzymes to aid the digestion process. As crazy as it sounded, I thought I'd give it a try - and I'm really glad I did.

I also learned about probiotics and their effect on digestion. Since I couldn't drink any kinds of yogurt, I had to buy them in pills. These two supplements alone made a world of difference for my GERD.

Of course, the hardest part was modifying my diet.

It was the hardest part for two major reasons:

1) It was a "trial & error" process - and I really hated the "errors"!

2) I had to give up the foods I like forever (or so I thought...)

By this point, my life was already radically different in every aspect. No more coffees for breakfast, no more beers with pizzas, no more delicious chocolate cakes, sodas, french fries, hamburgers - all gone!

You see, GERD is different for every individual, so there were no "GERD menus" I could simply follow. I had to make my own. And that's what I did.

I now keep a virtual diary of all the foods that I'm allowed to eat and the ones that will give me a nightmare if I eat them.

Surprisingly enough, as the time passed by and the acid rebound effect began to dissolve, I found that I could eat quite a lot of foods!

At first I thought I was stuck with broccoli for breakfast and carrots for dinner, but it soon turned out I could eat much more than that.

With each new food I added to the "Allowed" list, I kept feeling better and better about my disease...

It was 2 months later that I learned I could eat vanilla ice cream with no problems at all! Can you imagine that? I never thought I'd be so lucky!

I can also eat almost all kinds of meat, pasta, rice, potatoes, bread and most of the vegetables. Not too bad, would you agree? Sure I can't eat mayo, ketchup and other processed junk food - but I honestly don't even care anymore!

In addition to that, I was forced to develop a pretty strong character by having to resist cigarettes, alcohol and junk food when going out with friends and I'm so thankful for this. I think I wouldn't be the person I am today if I never had GERD.

I now eat food consciously and I learned to see it only as fuel for the day. I substituted the emotional "kick" I used to get from food with other things.

It's been 3 months since I stopped taking PPIs now and I know so much about my disease that I could write a whole book about it.

I am very privileged to be able to write articles such as this to open eyes for other people out there who are struggling with GERD and think that their life is cursed... because it is not!

In every good, there's bad and in every bad there's good. Ying and yang.

These are the things that GERD has blessed me with:

- I started to take much greater care of my body and my health

- I stopped smoking cigarettes and eating food that was destroying me

- I developed a strong character and confidence in myself

- I am able to help others who are like me to get better

- I learned to get "emotional kicks" from other things in life, not just food

- I never again have to worry about obesity for the rest of my life

- And so much more...

This is why I thank God, every day, for my illness. Don't get me wrong, my life is far from perfect. I still get big eyes when my girlfriend orders a Big Mac and I have to make sure that I don't drink any fluids until 3 hours of my last meal.

But, at the end of the day, I don't really have an option... I could hate a part of myself until the day I die, or I could turn my head the other way and look at the good things it brought into my life. I choose to do the latter and suggest you do the same.

Wish you all the best,

The Situation of Heartburn In Children

At some point in a adult's life, they will go through a bout of heartburn. Especially is they eat a meal that is greasy or spicy. But it's terrible to hear that heartburn can inflict problems on children as well. Some estimates say that about two percent of kids younger than nine and five percent of kids younger than 17 suffer from occasional heartburn. It's even more shocking to learn that fifty percent of all babies have heartburn.

When it comes to heartburn in children, it can be hard for them to put into words exactly what they're going through and what they're feeling. The only way for parents to learn that their kids feel heartburn is to observe their behavior after the meal.

If a baby three months or younger is experiencing heartburn they will vomit out their meal or arch their back until they feel better. Children who are older will stop eating, become very cranky and irritable or will cough and have a sore throat.

A loose or weak muscle between the esophagus and the stomach is the cause of heartburn in children. With the muscle not functioning correctly, it allows the combination of food and stomach acid into the esophagus and burn it. Babies often have an insufficiently developed digestive tract and by the time they are five or six months old and their stomachs develop fully, the symptoms of heartburn usually disappear.

With older children, heartburn is usually caused by the kind, and quantity, of food they consume. Drinking soda, or pigging out on fatty or spicy meats will bring about heartburn just like it will in adults. What is even worse, chocolate is one of the worst offenders and has to be avoided, or eaten in very small quantities, to avoid heartburn.

When it comes to heartburn in children, try these steps to prevent it:

1) Have them eat smaller meal during the day instead of large meals at certain times.

2) Don't have them wear restrictive clothes that press on the chest and stomach.

3) If they eat close to bedtime, have them wait an hour before they go to bed.

4) Try to prevent them from playing around or being physical after a meal.

5) And don't give your child anything that you know will cause a problem for them.

Children who are obese are more prone to chronic heartburn flare-ups, losing a few pounds may correct that. Heartburn in children might also be the result of second-hand smoke. There is no better incentive to stop smoking than your children' health.

See a pediatrician if your child's symptoms continue, are becoming more frequent, or they are not eating. The doctor will diagnose the problem and determine the best course of action to take. Don't give the child any medication for the condition until you talk to their doctor.

Beat the Acidity and the Morning Reflux

Acidity, or heartburn as it is also called, results from excessive acid production from the cells lining the walls of our stomach. It can also be caused by inadequate utilization of the acid produced.

First of all, one must put away the bias about 'ACID'. It is the most essential factor for the digestion of the food we eat and thus it is necessary (in fact, is there anything in our body which is not necessary? Nature is great!). Acidity results from improper functioning of our digestive system.

Imagine this scenario - your stomach wall has got cells that are programmed in such a way that whenever you eat any food (or even think of it, anticipating eating it in a while), these cells start secreting the acid that is needed to breakdown the food for digestion. If you eat sufficient amount of the food, the acid will be used entirely and you will have no acidity as well as will have a perfect digestion. But what if the acid produced is disproportional to the food intake? Either because you eat less (as in fasting or fad-diets or long work hours) or because there is an excess production (after smoking or eating spicy food-tea-coffee or alcohol intake or not taking enough sleep)? - it will keep some acid lying in the stomach, causing acidity. Simple!

The point where our food-pipe (esophagus) meets our stomach, a special tight muscular band helps to keep the door closed, so as to prevent the acidic contents of the stomach from entering the esophagus. When we swallow food, this sphincter relaxes to let the food alone to pass down to the stomach, after which it closes immediately like a spring-action. If this mechanism collapses, the acid from the stomach will spill into the esophagus once we lie down... causing the morning reflux. If it continues, it can even erode the esophageal wall (which is not used to acid like the wall of stomach) and cause structural damage.

Now having explained all this, is it really mandatory to write down 'Dos and Donts to avoid acidity'? or are we sensible enough to use our common sense to learn it ourselves? Ok! OK!

The key is...

  • to have small and frequent meals
  • to avoid food items that cause aggravation
  • to eat at least an hour before you go to bed provided you spend that time in upright position, instead of lying like a couch-potato
  • to have enough rest, food and water (anything in excess or absence will harm you)
  • do not eat a lot of antacids... they disturb the acid balance further

Health and Fitness: Heartburn and Acid Reflux Article Category

Approximately 40% of adults over the age of 40 are afflicted with low stomach acid. It's not that hard to tell whether you have it or not. Here are some questions to ask yourself and if you find yourself answering "yes" to more than a few then chances are you have low stomach acid and you'll need to start supplementing with HCL tablets with pepsin to kick start your stomach into proper acid production once again.

  • After eating a meal are you gassy or bloated?
  • Do you have problems with GERD (Acid Reflux)?
  • If you stick your tongue out and look at it in the mirror do you see a thin white film on it?
  • Do you often have bad breath?
  • Are you ever constipated?
  • Do you often have diarrhea?
  • Do you find it very difficult to lose weight?
  • Do you have acne, eczema or other skin problems?
  • Do you have IBS like symptoms?

Chances are that if you're answering 'yes' to more than two of these questions there is a good chance that you have low stomach acid. And here's the really scary part - all the times you Tums, Nexium and antacids to "calm your stomach" you just further deplete the levels of stomach acid you have.

The less acid your stomach has the more digestive problems you're going to have. Without proper levels of stomach acid not only is your food not digested but the nutrients you need from the food aren't properly absorbed into your body.

How important is it to make sure we have the right levels of stomach acid?

According to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute low stomach acid leads to bacteria over growth in our intestines (which in turns leads to gas, burping, bloating, GERD etc.) and also possibly to cancer. If you don't want to read the whole article at HHMI here's the relevant snippet:

Helicobacter pylori has received much attention as thecause of stomach ulcers, but new research by scientists at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) at the University of Michigan shows that many other types of bacteria can cause the gastritis and ulcers that can ultimately lead to cancer.

And the idea that that antacids and PPI's (Proton Pump Inhibitors) that are designed to reduce our levels of stomach acid are doing us good is also debunked in the article here:

Merchant said that her group's studies showing that omeprazole promotes bacterial overgrowth suggest that physicians should prescribe this class of drugs with caution. Proton pump inhibitors include drugs marketed under the trade names Prilosec® and Prevacid®.

And it just isn't the medical and scientific community that is figuring out the importance of maintaining good stomach acid. Apple Cider Vinegar (which is highly concentrated in acetic acid) and acidic pickle juice have long been used as home remedies for stomach ailments for several decades now.

They're popularly recommended on natural health forums such as CureZone and EarthClinic and have an excellent reputation. The reason is quite simple - they work!

These two home remedies are highly concentrated in acid and once ingested they supplement your stomach's acid levels and aid in the digestion process.

Acid Reflux Remedies and Practical Heartburn Solutions

Acid reflux remedies are, to coin a phrase "a dime a dozen", unless you are buying one and then they can be considerably more costly.

Almost everyone has heard at one time or another, "drink some milk, that'll fix your heartburn right up". The truth is milk or ice cream will give you a few minutes of relief and then your symptoms will come roaring right back. You would be much better off drinking a cup of fennel or chamomile tea or you could go for the granddaddy of them all ginger; used for thousands of years ginger is one of the oldest heartburn, acid reflux remedies known. Brewed as tea or even chewed slowly, ginger will calm the stomach and put the fire out.

We've all heard the list of "acid reflux foods to avoid in your diet" like fatty, spicy and acidic things like citrus fruit and caffeine, alcohol, carbonated soft drinks, smoking etc. but how often do you hear, "don't lie down after a meal". If there is any better way to get your stomach contents to start flowing back into your esophagus, aside from hanging upside down perhaps, I don't know what it would be.

So a good preventative measure, like sitting or standing upright or even taking a little walk after eating turns out to be one of the best acid reflux remedies there is because the symptoms will seldom even arrive.

Provided your acid reflux occurrences are not chronic and a doctor has not found any evidence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) then, on occasion, say after a BIG meal or Aunt Millie's famous pot roast, you may need to make use of one or more reliable remedies that have been working for generations; here is a short list:

Almonds (8 to 10)

Aloe Vera (juice)

Anise (tea)

Apple (fresh not applesauce)

Cider Vinegar (spoonful in a glass of water)

Ginger (tea or chewed raw)

Lavender (tea)

Licorice (chew on a stick)

Marshmallow Root (tea)


Peppermint (tea)


Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) (spoonful in a glass of water)

A word of caution here; care should always be taken with babies, small children and pregnant women. When it comes to trying acid reflux remedies; it's always best to consult a doctor or pediatrician first, although in the case of older children who are normally healthy, it is not unusual to find that their symptoms are actually the result of too much physical activity too soon after eating.

Acid Reflux Remedies - Honey for Heartburn

A little known and totally natural, acid reflux remedy that some people swear by is honey, that's right, honey. It has even earned the moniker of "honey for heartburn", the natural solution to acid reflux symptoms.

Obviously, to be a successful acid reflux remedy it should not only resolve symptoms fast but hopefully for good also, which is why antacids, for instance, are a considered a temporary solution. In fact antacids, work for a short time and when symptoms return you need to take more and eventually make your symptoms worse with continued use.

On the other hand, the goal of a good remedy, "natural home" or otherwise is to cure the problem and not just treat the symptoms by repairing the problem and returning the digestive system to normal function. So, the best approach to heartburn symptoms, aside from relieving the initial discomfort, is to heal the lower esophageal sphincter and help it to return to its normal function as soon as possible.

Honey has been used not only as a sweet food but also, by humans at least, as a medicine since the dawn of mankind. It was even used, very successfully by the ancient Egyptians in the mysterious process of mummifying their pharaohs.

The Powerful Antibacterial Properties of Honey

Honey has been used in eastern medicine for thousands of years for its mysterious healing powers both internally and externally and modern research has discovered that natural unpasteurized honey is actually a very powerful antibacterial agent.

As it turns out a nasty little bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori is responsible for a variety of gastro intestinal problems including acid reflux.

Specifically, honey as an acid reflux remedy can kill bacteria that may be damaging the tissue of the lower esophageal sphincter causing heartburn and other acid reflux symptoms.

In this case, honey is intended to heal the sphincter which is responsible for keeping food and acid where it belongs, in the stomach.

Try these simple, traditional heartburn home remedies using honey.


These remedies should not be attempted by people with diabetes...sorry.

The simplest technique is a tablespoon of honey three or four times a day, with the last right before bed to get the healing benefits during the night.

You can also try sweetening a cup of ginger, cinnamon or chamomile tea with one or two teaspoons of honey and sip it slowly.

Always use natural unprocessed honey as it has not been stripped of nutrients.

Honey as an acid reflux remedy is a pleasant and inexpensive way to relieve uncomfortable heartburn and reflux symptoms both short term as well as for the long term.

Tip: It's best to avoid spicy and acidic foods during your first few days while using this technique, just to give your body a proper chance to heal.

Causes of Acid Reflux and Its Treatments

Acid Reflux is a condition in which the stomach contents including stomach acid comes up from the stomach to the esophagus and a frequent occurrence of this condition causes a disease which is known as Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).

When a person eats the food, it goes from his mouth to pharynx and passes through the esophagus before going to the stomach. At the entrance of the stomach, there is a valve known as the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES). Actually, the human stomach produces strong acids and enzymes which are required for the digestion of the food. The stomach has a mechanism to protect itself from these acids and enzymes; however, the esophagus does not have one. As a result, if these strong acids reach the esophagus, they may damage it. Here comes the role of LES, which allows the food to go from the esophagus to the stomach, but stops the acid coming back from stomach to esophagus.

If the LES does not close properly after the food has passed, the stomach acid may leak through it and move up to esophagus. This may lead to a burning sensation (known as heartburn) in the area from the upper abdomen to the throat. The other common symptoms caused by the acid reflux are hiccups, regurgitation, dental erosion, chest pain, hoarseness, dysphagia and even asthma.

Acid reflux is often caused by the problems associated with the lifestyle of an individual. However, there are certain medical issues also that may trigger it. If somebody is taking heavy meals and lying down right after it, he may suffer from acid reflux and the associated symptoms. The problem may further be aggravated if somebody is consuming fatty, fried or spicy foods. Foods rich in chili, garlic, onions, tomato, mint, chocolate etc., citrus fruits such as oranges or lemons, beverages like alcohol, soft-drinks, tea, coffee etc. can also cause this problem. Smoking may cause mucosal damage, increase in acid secretion, reduction in saliva formulation, reduction in LES muscle function etc., all of which lead to acid reflux. Other causes that may cause acid reflux are being overweight or obese, wrong practices in exercising, taking aspirin or ibuprofen etc. Apart from these lifestyle related factors, pregnancy may also cause acid reflux in women. This happens because of an increased level of hormones and pressure from the growing uterus. Another abnormality known as hiatal hernia may sometimes cause acid reflux in a person. Hiatal hernia is a condition in which the upper part of the stomach and LES move above the diaphragm.

Acid reflux is normally a minor ailment and all of us might have gone through it. However, the symptoms associated with it are very discomforting and affect one's quality of life. If proper care is not taken, the acid reflux problem may turn troublesome and may cause mucus lining in esophagus to get damaged and become ulcerated. If you go to a physician with this ailment, he may prescribe you some antacids, acid suppressor, pro-kinetic drugs or propton pump inhibitors. However, these medicines must be taken when extremely required and for a short time only because they have their side effects. However, to treat this problem naturally, proper emphasis must be given to improve on the lifestyle issues, which cause it. If somebody is obese, he must try to lose weight first. Patient must stop smoking and consuming alcohol. He must also lower the intake of the foods / drinks outlined above. He must eat his meals at least two hours prior to lying down and while lying down he must make sure to raise his head by 4-5 inches with the help of a pillow. He must also avoid wearing tight fitting clothes and belts.

Treating Heartburn the Natural Way

Frequent Heartburn is the bane of our modern society. 1 in 5 Americans are said to suffer from heartburn and frequent heartburn due to gastroesopageal reflux disease (GERD) is becoming a more common diagnosis by doctors all over the country. GERD is the result of your stomach's acid contents breaching your lower esophageal sphincter and flowing back up your esophagus.

People who suffer from GERD experience...

  • Frequent Heartburn
  • Chest Pain, especially when lying down
  • Sore Throat
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • A Sour Taste in the Mouth
  • Food or liquid coming back up

While occasional heartburn might help you lay off the pizza, frequent Heartburn as the result of GERD can result in some rather serious health consequences including bleeding, ulcers, strictures and may even contribute to cancer.

The Causes

The biggest contributor to heartburn is your diet. Some of the foods that we all just love to eat also happen to be known triggers for heartburn.

These Include:

  • Citrus
  • Mint
  • Coffee (No!)
  • Chocolate (Double No!)
  • Deep Fried Foods
  • Spicy Foods
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Soda
  • Tomatoes, Onions, Garlic, Pepper and pretty much everything else found on pizza

While diet is the major reason why so many of us get heartburn, our lifestyle also plays a big factor. Large portion sizes, eating our food too fast and right before going to bed, and living a stressful lifestyle that causes us to eat fast food, smoke, drink, and over dose on caffeine all help contribute to this growing problem in our society.

How to Eliminate Heartburn

While seeing a doctor is important, especially if your heartburn is frequent, there are other things besides taking acid blockers that play havoc on your digestive tract or having surgery to get your sphincter tightened that you can do to help curb your heartburn woes. Making some changes and your diet and lifestyle can be the first big step in eliminating heartburn. Keeping a food journal to eliminate the culprit foods is a first good step and not taking a nap after eating a big meal is a great second rule of thumb.

How you eat is also as important as what you eat. Instead of wolfing down your food as your are driving home from the drive through, try sitting down and eating slowly, being sure to savor thoroughly chew your food. Smaller portions will also help eliminate heartburn as well as cut down on your waistline. Also, eliminating distractions while you eat will help you focus on what you are eating and even help you find the food that is causing your problems.

Working at reducing your stress can also help contribute to lessening your heartburn. While research has yet to find a direct link between stress and GERD, it has been found that a stressful lifestyle does spur people to do things like eat fried foods, drink copious amounts of coffee and booze and smoke, all which can lead to heartburn.

Marshmallow and Heartburn

When people start talking about marshmallows, most people tend to think about that bag of big fluffy white snacks that people like to take with them on camping trips. However before these essential components to s'mores became a mass produced snack item, they were actually made from the root of a plant that could be found growing in the marshlands. The marshmallow plant, also known as Althea, has a white root that is slightly sweet to the taste. Along with being a traditional ingredient in everyone's favorite campfire snack, Marshmallow root was also used in traditional medicine to help soothe coughs, irritations and help to combat heartburn.

It's all about the mucilage

Marshmallow, or althea root (as most health food stores like to label it), contains a high percentage of mucilage. Mucilage is a substance that swells up and takes on a gel like consistency when it is mixed with water. This gel like substance can then coat the inner lining of your throat and esophagus and help protect and soothe it making it an ideal additive to natural cough and sore throat remedies.

This ability to coat and soothe also makes marshmallow root tea an ideal remedy for mild heartburn because of its ability to shield the lining of the esophagus from the harmful effects of stomach acid reducing inflammation and irritation. It is also thought to be helpful in cases of ulcers, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease because it can also help coat the lining of the stomach and intestinal walls.

Besides being used as a tea to help with a host of digestive and throat ailments, Marshmallow root can also be used as a paste to help soothe irritated skin. Simply mixed the powdered root with enough water to make a paste and apply it to the affected skin and then wrap with a layer of gauze. However, be sure to rinse off immediately if any itching or irritation occurs.

Side Effects

While drinking marshmallow root tea will help keep stomach acid from irritating the lining of your esophagus, there are also certain side effects that you should be aware of. Since mucilage does coat the digestive tract, it will also interfere with the absorption of prescription drugs so be sure to give it at least two hours to wear off before taking your daily pills. Marshmallow is also capable of affecting blood levels so people with diabetes or hypoglycemia should consult a physician before taking it.

Health and Fitness: Heartburn and Acid Reflux Article Category

People endure heartburn and stress on a regular basis. The more stressful things are, the more bouts of heartburn people go through. There is a reason for this link and knowing it will help against both heartburn and stress.

Stress is a normal reaction to danger that humans experience. These dangers cause the adrenal gland to produce a hormone called epinephrine. This hormone is responsible for sending more blood to the muscle than to other organs to initiate a "fight or flight" response when potential dangers are looming. One place where blood flow is decreased is in the digestive tract. In the short term, even in our modern times, a bit of stress, and a bit of adrenaline, is a good thing. We are sometimes at our best because of a little stress. But, prolonged stress, and constant overproduction of adrenaline, can cause havoc with our entire system, causing all sorts of problems, including heartburn.

During stressful times, our blood is concentrated in our muscles, and there is no enough circulation in the digestive tract. Because of this lack of blood food moves slower in the intestines which results in heartburn.

Another trigger of heartburn is increased production of stomach acid during stress, due to increased secretion of hormone cortisol by our adrenal gland during stressful events. The main causes of acid reflux and subsequent heartburn is too much acid being produced.

It is in our best interest to learn what it may take to at least focus out attention of other things so our stress won't be a contributing factor with heartburn issues. We can look for solutions to help us overcome stressful situations. One of them is light exercise, which promotes blood circulation in the whole body, helping us not only to distress but to digest our food better to prevent heartburn. More intense exercising should only be performed a few hours after eating a meal to prevent heartburn.

Another way to fight heartburn is by gum. By chewing gum you increase saliva production which will prevent the symptoms of heartburn as well as aid in digestive system food movement. Another simple remedy that helps both heartburn and stress is to eat smaller meals more often and avoid over-eating. Just as in the case with heartburn, eating a little bit of protein and carbohydrates is a stress-reliever as well. The worse thing to do, both for heartburn and stress, is to stoke up with caffeine, cigarettes and alcohol.

The interesting thing about heartburn and stress is that they feed off of each other. The fear of another heartburn attack can cause added stress, and the stress, caused by important task ahead can cause attack of heartburn. The good news is that they can be controlled by exercise, good eating habits, and avoiding things like cigarettes and alcohol. It is not easy, but being in control of how we feel is already one great de-stressor, and being able to prevent another attack of heartburn pain is surely worth it.

Natural Heartburn Relief - 4 Places to Find Common Remedies

Heartburn is a gastrointestinal disorder that affects many people worldwide. It is caused by excess acids in the stomach. These acids swell up and rise to the esophagus causing extreme discomfort. If you are experiencing severe heartburn, you can start looking for natural heartburn relief in the following places:

1. A mentholated gum inside your purse- A piece of gum can provide you with immediate relief. Chewing gum stimulates the production of saliva. The saliva then goes through your throat and down your esophagus. It protects your esophagus from the acids in your stomach. Moreover, gum chewing keeps the swallowing reflex going. This helps keep the food down your stomach.

2. Basic ingredients found in your kitchen- Next place to look for natural heartburn relief is your kitchen. There are a lot of food items that you can use to get rid of heartburn pain. One example is banana. A ripe banana can deliver fast and immediate relief. Almonds can also lessen the pain and discomfort brought about by heartburn, as well as a few slices of apple. For beverage, you can try drinking lemon juice. You may be aware that lemon is acidic. But lemon turns into alkaline once it reaches your stomach, making it a good natural heartburn relief. Lemons help neutralize the acid build-up in your system.

3. OTC drugs from a nearby health store- Health stores are good places to look for natural heartburn relief. Try researching online for health supplements that can prevent heartburn. Better yet, talk to the store personnel and ask if he or she can recommend something for you. Dried fruits like papaya can help stop heartburn and prevent it from reoccurring.

4. Selected items from grocery stores- All of the items mentioned above can be bought in your local grocery store. Of course, there are other food items that you can purchase to help curb your heartburn pain. Yogurt contains pro-biotics that can help your digestive system work properly. They get rid of the acids in your stomach and promote good digestion. Cabbage can also soothe the pain you feel. Mix it together with apple, and you have instant relief against heartburn. If your heartburn episodes are more frequent, replace red meat with white meat such as chicken or fish. The latter is easier to digest.

Methods to Stop Heartburn

Heartburn can happen to anybody. If you are always experiencing it, you might want to try to look at your lifestyle. You can also modify your diet, do some exercises and lessen your alcohol intake. Eat slowly and chew your food well. All these things can help stop heartburn.

Before taking any medicines for heartburn, you might want to consider doing any of the natural heartburn relief options mentioned above. Medicines are helpful, but alternative remedies are safer and as effective.

Acid Reflux Treatment - 10 Ways To Avoid Heartburn

Let me spell it out for you,

Here we go:

  • Spicy foods
  • A lotta spicy foods
  • Homemade spicy foods
  • Restaurant-style spicy foods
  • Your best friend's Mama's spicy foods
  • Any kinda spicy foods
  • Good food with spice on them
  • Italian spicy foods
  • Any country spicy foods
  • Anything with spice on it - could be leather - it doesn't matter

And that's just the spicy stuff - doesn't include the ACIDS and the fatty and creamy stuff - plus the late night kitchen raids or stopping off at McFat'nGreasies on the way home from work.

This is where the rubber meets the road mate - so put your mouth where your brain is. I know you want to take control of your food and habits and all that, but just talking about them isn't going to get rid of GERD - Heartburn Acid Reflux, Sore Throat, Nausea, Anxiety, Sleepless Nights, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.


Yeah - that's it. A Plan. Rather simple really.

NO! My diet doesn't consist of daily measured portions of carrot and celery sticks!

I love pizza! I love pasta - Alfredo anything - and all the other yummy stuff out there. Not too keen on sweet stuff though which is just as well since I'm diabetic. Yeah, yeah, yeah - I know - so pasta also turns to sugar - but that's beside the point and might I remind you - I'm the one making the point here.

And the Point Is.....

YOU CAN EAT WHATEVER YOU LIKE!!! moderation of course. That's Mode-Ration - my definition of taking charge.

We always hear about eating 4-6 times a day. So, if you eat 6 times each day (starting at 8 a.m. and finishing at 8 p.m.), that means eating something every two hours. That's a lotta grub you're putting away there mate!

But the trick is making sure to PLAN your meals and snacks so you don't go reaching for the potato chips at the last minute - you know how it is. Remember, it's about taking control of your FOOD and your LIFE and your MONEY. And the only way to take control is to PLAN for it.

Let's begin by not buying anything you shouldn't eat in the first place okay.You know what's going to start you upchucking all night - So, don't buy it! - DUH!!!

So go on then....., get to work and start PLANNING.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of An Acid Reflux Diet

An acid reflux diet, by definition is a method of eating that eliminates many foods that can trigger a powerful attack of acid reflux. There are, as with any meal plan, restricted or otherwise, pros and cons.

Some of the cons of an acid reflux diet are:

* You have to give up greasy and high fat foods in order to prevent heartburn

* You will have to eat more frequently and in smaller quantities so that you do not feel overfull and then feel sick

* Many full fat items will either need to be switched over to a lower fat item or completely removed if there is no "low fat" option available

* You won't be able to eat oranges, lemons, grapefruit or limes because they are too acidic

* You will have to either reduce or eliminate coffee and any other beverage containing caffeine

* You will have to avoid sauces and foods that contain tomatoes

* You will have to remove spicy foods from your diet

Some of the pros of an acid reflux diet are:

* Eating lower fat foods will help you to lose weight;

* Eating more frequently and in smaller quantities will stop you from feeling hungry all of the time;

* You will be able to finally break your dependence on caffeine;

* You will feel much better because you will not be suffering from repeated bouts of reflux

* Losing weight with changes to your diet will also help to decrease the frequency of reflux attacks

* You will be able to sleep better at night without bothersome heartburn keeping you awake

* You will probably save a lot of money on your grocery bill, because healthier food is much less expensive than junky and higher fat items

The pros will soon outweigh the cons as you change your eating habits to adjust to your acid reflux diet. There really is nothing more satisfying than being able to eat a meal and relax afterwards, knowing that you won't have to deal with the burning pain that slowly rises up from your stomach.

Many of us really have no idea how changing some of our habits can improve our lives drastically. Simple changes to your eating habits to conform to an acid reflux diet can really go a very long way in helping you in many aspects of your life. Once you change your eating habits, you will start to lose excess weight which can be one of the biggest issues that can cause acid reflux.

Tracking Your Acid Reflux Diet With A Diary

We all have our habits surrounding what we like to eat, but if you are dealing with acid reflux symptoms, you need to make changes and incorporate an acid reflux diet. You are probably not going to be able to make all of the changes at once, but the more of them you make, the better you will feel.

The first thing to keep in mind about moving towards an acid reflux diet is that you should begin with a food diary. This is a tool to assist you in identifying which foods cause you the most discomfort after you eat them. You don't have to go into great detail or technicality, just grab yourself a small notebook and start writing down what you eat. Beverages are equally important, so write down what you drink as well.

Adding entries to the food diary is simple, you write down everything that passes over your lips and how it makes you feel. Eventually, you will see a pattern emerging surrounding various foods that you eat. You may also notice patterns around times of day that you eat as well as amounts of food. While you do not have to get into specific detail, you should keep notes about the amounts you eat, for example, if you feel that you overate at some point.

When you make changes to your diet for acid reflux, it is not as much a specific eating plan as it is a guide around what foods to avoid, and when you need to stop eating. While it may be obvious to you, high fat or greasy foods are one of the main triggers for acid reflux. Your acid reflux diet will eliminate anything that is deep fried or prepared by cooking the food in oil, grease or butter.

You may miss eating certain foods when you remove them from your diet, and the best way to deal with this is to eat less of those foods, and eat them less often. Eventually you will be able to do without greasy foods on your acid reflux diet, and at some point after that you will realize that you do not even miss those foods.

At some point, you may not need to keep a diary any longer, but the main purpose of it is to make you aware of what you are eating. Most of us eat in a hurry, on the go, or while doing another activity, and we are completely unaware of what we are eating most of the time.

How Do You Get Indigestion?

One should take into consideration, that Dyspepsia is not a disease - it represents a group of symptoms which gives signal to a doctor to consider upper-abdominal disease. In short, Indigestion is a discomfort or pain centered in the upper abdomen. Discomfort or pain in other areas of your body, will help you to exclude dyspepsia, because, once again, it's closely related to upper abdomen.

There are two general types of dyspepsia:

  • functional dyspepsia
  • non-functional dyspepsia

Functional dyspepsia takes place, when there is no pathological cause in the upper-abdominal part. In contrast, non-functional dyspepsia is a condition, where there is evidence of structural or biochemical abnormalities.

If you do not have pathologies within gastrointestinal tract (in that case, you should immediately contact your physician), then causes of non-functional indigestion might be the following:

  • large or fatty meals
  • eating before lying down
  • alcohol and smoking
  • some medications

The symptoms which closely relate to indigestion might be experienced anywhere and anytime. If persistent vomiting takes place, you have difficulties when swallowing and you start to lose weight unintentionally - you have dyspepsia. Also reflux like symptoms must be taken into account.

Usually, these symptoms are experienced after a meal, and discomfort at upper abdominal part is often relieved after taking antacids.

There are several ways, to prevent dyspepsia to occur and it's worth taking them into consideration:

  • you should stop receiving drugs, which could, in principle, cause indigestion and provoke discomfort.
  • you should change your lifestyle - do not eat before lying down, reduce daily share of fatty meals, stop smoking, drinking and receiving vague drugs.

Commonly related issue to indigestion is heartburn, which is due to acidity. During process of digestion our stomach secretes acid, that is crucial for digestion. Sometimes there is excess production of acid, and that is when you feel the heartburn and irritating sensation in the esophagus. Intake of more vegetables rich with vitamins (especially vitamin B and E) is proved to be effective during heartburn.

Approximately 50% of patients diagnosed as having functional dyspepsia also have helicobacter pylori-gastritis. Treatment for these patients remains controversial. Until it is established that this organism is responsible for symptoms and until a safe and effective therapy is available for eradication, it is generally not appropriate to treat patients for this infection.

Even if you have dyspeptic symptoms, don't worry - it's very common among people. Nearly 40% of population have experienced some of them in the last six months. Although treatment methods remain very controversial, dyspepsia can not be found in the list of deadly diseases.

Health and Fitness: Heartburn and Acid Reflux Article Category

If you go to bed right after eating a heavy meal loaded with spices, then it's pretty much a safe assumption you're going to have heartburn. It's estimated that as many as one-third of the people living in the United States experience this problem. Heartburn affects 20 percent of Americans at least once a week and seven percent every day.

Pain behind the chest bone together with belching up sour-tasting substances is what known as heartburn. People get heartburn because some foods, mixed with stomach acid and bile, flow back up the esophagus instead of staying in the stomach where it belongs. The esophagus wasn't design to have stomach acid touching it so it gets burned which creates the pain we know as heartburn. A weak muscle between the stomach and esophagus is responsible for not keeping substances in the stomach.

Heartburn is the consequence of acid entering the esophagus and burning it, but it's also possible that it's the result of problems with the gallbladder as well. Let's look more into the relationship between heartburn and gallbladder issues.

The gallbladder is an organ that stores bile, necessary for the digestion of fat. Bile is made in the liver. If something goes wrong with the gallbladder, people develop heartburn: pain behind the chest bone, burping and general feeling of indigestion. Eating heavy meals that have a lot of fat causes heartburn.

Unfortunately, some people have to have their gallbladder removed and as a result they have a difficult time digesting fat which now increases the possibility of bouts with heartburn. The undigested fat material increases the quantity of acid in the stomach which flows into the esophagus and burns it.

Frequent heartburn, over time, will have severe consequences with regard to being healthy. An examination and consultation by your doctor can prevent serious problems if you're dealing with heartburn on a regular basis.

It is also possible to develop a condition in the gallbladder which is identified as gallstones. Gallstones occur when cholesterol and bilirubin mix to create different sizes of stones. They occur in people over the age of fifty-five, are rapidly losing weight, who are obese, and women.

Some of the symptoms of gallstones include things fever, jaundice, rapid heartbeat and acute pain in the upper stomach, which can be a sign of inflammation or blocked bile duct. These symptoms need prompt emergency attention and should not be ignored.

The common thread with regard to both a heartburn and gallbladder attack is eating food that is fatty. The first thing to do to prevent this from happening is to monitor what's being eating. Eating smaller meals, meals that have "good" cholesterol and fiber in them are another way to prevent heartburn, whether it's the result of the muscle between the esophagus and stomach not sealing properly or it's the result of gallbladder issues. It is much better to try changing the lifestyle than going for the medication, since most have undesired side effects. If your heartburn is extreme are is combined with other bodily issues, don't tough it out, get proper medical threat ASAP. Only a trained medical professional, with the proper equipment, can determine if the correct diagnosis has been reached.

Using Acid Reflux Medicine To Get Rid Of Annoying Heartburn

The right acid reflux medicine will prevent or control your heartburn. I am living proof. My physician prescribed one of these and problem solved. If you already know what causes this affliction, skip ahead for the medicine, if not, let me explain what how heartburn happens.

Our gastrointestinal system is pretty amazing when it works correctly. I call it our sewer plant. We have the mouth, throat, stomach, intestines, and the outlet of the system - the anal outlet. Food and drink we love goes in one end, is processed, and, if all works well, waste comes out the other end. For those of us who suffer from acid reflux disorder, some of the system just doesn't work for us.

We feel this malady when the process fails. Acid bubbles up from the stomach, through something called the cardiac sphincter and on upward into the throat or esophagus. Basically we feel that burning sensation as the acidic gas and fluid rises through this plumbing system. The technical word for this substance is pepsin, if you care about such terminology. The problem occurs when the cardiac sphincter goes haywire. This is like a valve between the stomach and esophagus that is supposed to automatically open and close to control the pepsin produced by digestion in the stomach. We get into distress when this valve malfunctions.

Acid reflux or GERD can be a chronic condition, especially is we continue to eat and drink those favorites that always seem to trigger discomfort. Of course you should not eat or drink that stuff again because the result will always be the same for the rest of your life if you do. Now, medicine can help but changing habits ensures you will stop further damage. If your heartburn is a chronic condition, it will always be a problem, and, if you continue your bad habits, even further damage will occur and may result in surgery.

One of the traps with medication is that it makes you feel so good that you think you no longer need it and stop taking it. Been there, done that, and my heartburn returned with a vengeance. Don't make this mistake with acid reflux. Sure, you will feel great while taking the medicine and will continue to feel good for a couple of months after you stop taking it but, eventually, the hammer will fall and you will be worse off.

There are several over-the-counter medicines you can try. I tried them all and only one really worked most of the time. That one had the active ingredient - Famotidine. It's just one of several key ingredients found in medicines at your pharmacy. You need to find the one that works for you.

Armed with that information I went to my doctor and he prescribed a stronger dose to take once a day. This has solved my heartburn. Yes, I did get off it for two months because I felt so good and, Yes, my acid reflux returned. I now use it every day and I also avoid food and drink that I know are bad for my plumbing.

Foods Types That Triggers Heartburn

When trying to avoid foods that cause heartburn, the list can seem daunting. All the good stuff appears to be on these lists, but understanding why certain foods are on there may allow you to make choices that don't limit your diet to a large extent.

Most Common Foods that Cause Heartburn

The first thing to note is that there are some foods that are a problem for almost everyone. Those foods are citrus fruits, tomatoes, onions, garlic, peppermint, alcohol, caffeine, and chocolate. Not all of these foods that cause heartburn may affect you, but chances are pretty good that eating them will cause your symptoms to flare. You can experiment to determine which are problems by eating them one at a time and eliminating the food if symptoms occur soon after ingestion.

Foods by Mechanism of Action for Causing Heartburn

The foods that cause heartburn can be neatly divided into three categories: those that relax the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), those that stimulate acid production, and those that cause distension of the stomach.

In the first case, the LES is the muscle that keeps food (and acid) in the stomach and prevents it from backing up into the esophagus. Anything that causes this muscle to relax will make it easier for acid to back up. Foods that cause heartburn by this mechanism include:

- Fried foods

- High fat foods

- Butter

- Mayonnaise

- Creamy sauces

- Salad dressings

- Chocolate

- Peppermint

- Caffeine

- Alcohol

- Onions

In the second category of foods that cause heartburn are those that increase production of acid in the stomach.

- Caffeine

- Alcohol

- Carbonated beverages

- Spicy food

- Black pepper

- Citrus fruits

- Tomatoes

You will note that there are some repeats on this list that were on the previous list. Foods that show up on both lists are especially good at causing heartburn and should be avoided as much as possible.

In the final category of foods that cause heartburn are those that increase distension of the stomach. It is important to note that this can actually include any food if eaten in large enough quantity, which is why it is best to eat multiple small meals rather than a few large meals. For foods that create distension, the most common culprits are:

- Excessive salt

- Carbohydrate loads

- Broccoli

- Cauliflower

- Cabbage

- Onions

- Peppers

- Fried foods

Once again, you will see some foods that appear on multiple lists. Avoid these at all costs and especially avoid eating them near bedtime. As a final note, coffee can cause heartburn, partly through the caffeine it contains and partly because of its own innate properties. A little coffee each day, particularly in the morning, is fine. However, you should limit your total consumption and avoid it before bed altogether. Remember that 1 to 2 cups in the morning is okay. Also remember that Starbucks cups are more like 3 cups, so one of those is all the coffee you should consume in a day.
