How Do You Get Indigestion?

One should take into consideration, that Dyspepsia is not a disease - it represents a group of symptoms which gives signal to a doctor to consider upper-abdominal disease. In short, Indigestion is a discomfort or pain centered in the upper abdomen. Discomfort or pain in other areas of your body, will help you to exclude dyspepsia, because, once again, it's closely related to upper abdomen.

There are two general types of dyspepsia:

  • functional dyspepsia
  • non-functional dyspepsia

Functional dyspepsia takes place, when there is no pathological cause in the upper-abdominal part. In contrast, non-functional dyspepsia is a condition, where there is evidence of structural or biochemical abnormalities.

If you do not have pathologies within gastrointestinal tract (in that case, you should immediately contact your physician), then causes of non-functional indigestion might be the following:

  • large or fatty meals
  • eating before lying down
  • alcohol and smoking
  • some medications

The symptoms which closely relate to indigestion might be experienced anywhere and anytime. If persistent vomiting takes place, you have difficulties when swallowing and you start to lose weight unintentionally - you have dyspepsia. Also reflux like symptoms must be taken into account.

Usually, these symptoms are experienced after a meal, and discomfort at upper abdominal part is often relieved after taking antacids.

There are several ways, to prevent dyspepsia to occur and it's worth taking them into consideration:

  • you should stop receiving drugs, which could, in principle, cause indigestion and provoke discomfort.
  • you should change your lifestyle - do not eat before lying down, reduce daily share of fatty meals, stop smoking, drinking and receiving vague drugs.

Commonly related issue to indigestion is heartburn, which is due to acidity. During process of digestion our stomach secretes acid, that is crucial for digestion. Sometimes there is excess production of acid, and that is when you feel the heartburn and irritating sensation in the esophagus. Intake of more vegetables rich with vitamins (especially vitamin B and E) is proved to be effective during heartburn.

Approximately 50% of patients diagnosed as having functional dyspepsia also have helicobacter pylori-gastritis. Treatment for these patients remains controversial. Until it is established that this organism is responsible for symptoms and until a safe and effective therapy is available for eradication, it is generally not appropriate to treat patients for this infection.

Even if you have dyspeptic symptoms, don't worry - it's very common among people. Nearly 40% of population have experienced some of them in the last six months. Although treatment methods remain very controversial, dyspepsia can not be found in the list of deadly diseases.

Health and Fitness: Heartburn and Acid Reflux Article Category

If you go to bed right after eating a heavy meal loaded with spices, then it's pretty much a safe assumption you're going to have heartburn. It's estimated that as many as one-third of the people living in the United States experience this problem. Heartburn affects 20 percent of Americans at least once a week and seven percent every day.

Pain behind the chest bone together with belching up sour-tasting substances is what known as heartburn. People get heartburn because some foods, mixed with stomach acid and bile, flow back up the esophagus instead of staying in the stomach where it belongs. The esophagus wasn't design to have stomach acid touching it so it gets burned which creates the pain we know as heartburn. A weak muscle between the stomach and esophagus is responsible for not keeping substances in the stomach.

Heartburn is the consequence of acid entering the esophagus and burning it, but it's also possible that it's the result of problems with the gallbladder as well. Let's look more into the relationship between heartburn and gallbladder issues.

The gallbladder is an organ that stores bile, necessary for the digestion of fat. Bile is made in the liver. If something goes wrong with the gallbladder, people develop heartburn: pain behind the chest bone, burping and general feeling of indigestion. Eating heavy meals that have a lot of fat causes heartburn.

Unfortunately, some people have to have their gallbladder removed and as a result they have a difficult time digesting fat which now increases the possibility of bouts with heartburn. The undigested fat material increases the quantity of acid in the stomach which flows into the esophagus and burns it.

Frequent heartburn, over time, will have severe consequences with regard to being healthy. An examination and consultation by your doctor can prevent serious problems if you're dealing with heartburn on a regular basis.

It is also possible to develop a condition in the gallbladder which is identified as gallstones. Gallstones occur when cholesterol and bilirubin mix to create different sizes of stones. They occur in people over the age of fifty-five, are rapidly losing weight, who are obese, and women.

Some of the symptoms of gallstones include things fever, jaundice, rapid heartbeat and acute pain in the upper stomach, which can be a sign of inflammation or blocked bile duct. These symptoms need prompt emergency attention and should not be ignored.

The common thread with regard to both a heartburn and gallbladder attack is eating food that is fatty. The first thing to do to prevent this from happening is to monitor what's being eating. Eating smaller meals, meals that have "good" cholesterol and fiber in them are another way to prevent heartburn, whether it's the result of the muscle between the esophagus and stomach not sealing properly or it's the result of gallbladder issues. It is much better to try changing the lifestyle than going for the medication, since most have undesired side effects. If your heartburn is extreme are is combined with other bodily issues, don't tough it out, get proper medical threat ASAP. Only a trained medical professional, with the proper equipment, can determine if the correct diagnosis has been reached.
